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18670 NE Woodinville Duvall Rd, Woodinville, WA 98077美国







Introduction to Meditation

Introduction to Meditation

March 16, 2025, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM

Experiencing life in the pre...



07/17/24 (已結束)

法鼓山方丈和尚果暉法師講座 Dharma Drum Mo...

2024 兒童心靈環保夏令營

2024 兒童心靈環保夏令營

06/25/24 (已結束)

2024 DDMBA Mindful Kids Summ...

One Day Retreat Led by David Listen

One Day Retreat Led by David Listen

04/28/24 (已結束)

In English...

Introduction to Meditation

Introduction to Meditation

01/07/24 (已結束)

Experiencing life in the pre...

Half Day Retreat

Half Day Retreat

10/29/23 (已結束)

In English Led by Zarko Andr...

Advice on Cultivating Physical and Spiritual Wellness for Chan Practitioners

Advice on Cultivating Physical and Spiritual Wellness for Chan Practitioners

10/28/23 (已結束)

English Dharma Talk by Zarko...

2023 兒童心靈環保夏令營

2023 兒童心靈環保夏令營

06/26/23 (已結束)

2023 DDMBA Mindful Kids Summ...

One Day Retreat

One Day Retreat

06/11/23 (已結束)

In English...

Teens Mindfulness Day

Teens Mindfulness Day

06/10/23 (已結束)

Silence Doesn’t Have to be A...

The working of our mind: Basic Buddhist Psychology

The working of our mind: Basic Buddhist Psychology

06/10/23 (已結束)

English Dharma Talk...



Silence Doesn’t Have to be Awkward

Teens Mindfulness Day

Be mindful. Be free.

Spend a half-day learning mindfulness, a practice of being aware of what you're doing in the present moment, free from the burden of self-consciousness and troubling emotions.

Enjoy the simple yet wonderful things we do every day: standing, sitting, walking, eating, talking, and being silent, to name a few. Be mindful; be free.

Date: April 27, Saturday

Time: 12:00pm-5:00pm

Age: 13-18 

Lunch will be provided. 

Online Registration is required:

About David Listen

David Listen has been sharing Chan/Zen meditation and Buddhist teachings for over 15 years, leading intensive meditation retreats, classes, and activities at various monasteries, college campuses, and private institutions throughout North America, Europe, and East Asia. Previously known as Venerable Chang Wen(常聞法師) he was one of the few Western monastic disciples of Chan Master Sheng Yen.

He had been a monk for over a decade, and has since returned to lay life to share the insights of the Buddha in his own creative way.David is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and has done extensive work translating the teachings of Chinese Buddhism into English, both on retreat and in published works. He holds a Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies, a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, and is currently a New York State licensed counselor at a clinic for people suffering from severe mental illness. He also has his own life mentoring/coaching practice, guiding people in their cultivation of wisdom and compassion on an individual basis.



Teens Mindfulness Day

April 27, 2024, 12:00 – 5:00 PM (活動已結束)

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