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18670 NE Woodinville Duvall Rd, Woodinville, WA 98077美国







Introduction to Meditation

Introduction to Meditation

March 16, 2025, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM

Experiencing life in the pre...



07/17/24 (已結束)

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2024 兒童心靈環保夏令營

2024 兒童心靈環保夏令營

06/25/24 (已結束)

2024 DDMBA Mindful Kids Summ...

One Day Retreat Led by David Listen

One Day Retreat Led by David Listen

04/28/24 (已結束)

In English...

Teens Mindfulness Day

Teens Mindfulness Day

04/27/24 (已結束)

Silence Doesn’t Have to be A...

Introduction to Meditation

Introduction to Meditation

01/07/24 (已結束)

Experiencing life in the pre...

Half Day Retreat

Half Day Retreat

10/29/23 (已結束)

In English Led by Zarko Andr...

2023 兒童心靈環保夏令營

2023 兒童心靈環保夏令營

06/26/23 (已結束)

2023 DDMBA Mindful Kids Summ...

One Day Retreat

One Day Retreat

06/11/23 (已結束)

In English...

Teens Mindfulness Day

Teens Mindfulness Day

06/10/23 (已結束)

Silence Doesn’t Have to be A...

The working of our mind: Basic Buddhist Psychology

The working of our mind: Basic Buddhist Psychology

06/10/23 (已結束)

English Dharma Talk...



English Dharma Talk by Zarko Andricevic

Advice on Cultivating Physical and Spiritual Wellness for Chan Practitioners

Date: Oct 28, Saturday 

Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Reception after talk: 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm

Online Registration is Preferable.  

Online Registration Form:

About Zarko Andricevic

Founder of the Buddhist Center in Zagreb, Croatia. Zarko first encountered Buddhism in 1975 and has been a martial arts and yoga teacher since the 1970s. In 1985 he started the first Buddhist study and meditation group in Croatia which in time grew into the first Buddhist community there. This community is known as Dharmaloka nowadays. In 1996, while seeking a new teacher, he met Chan Master Sheng Yen, attended his seven-day retreat and became one of his students. Seeing Chan as the very core of the Buddha Dharma and Master Shen Yen as the man whose teaching stems directly from the meditative experience, he has dedicated himself to the practice of Chan meditation and has attended Master Sheng Yen's retreats regularly. In June 2001, during a two-week retreat in the USA, Zarko received Dharma transmission from Master Sheng Yen, thus becoming one of his five Dharma heirs in the West.



Advice on Cultivating Physical and Spiritual Wellness for Chan Practitioners

October 28, 2023, 1:30 – 3:30 PM (活動已結束)

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